Let me just tell you: If I could spend every morning wandering the beautiful — and empty — gardens of Versailles, I would! Recently one morning, I arrived to the Chateau gates at 7:45am, in anticipation of meeting my clients for their engagement session. Not only was I was the first person there, but was also the first person to walk in onto the large courtyard in front of the Palace itself (see photo at bottom of post).
I’ve been to Versailles many, many times over the past 8 years living in Paris. But never have I been the very first person to enter. Considering Versailles attracts 10 million visitors every year, to see the Chateau courtyard totally empty? Well it felt as if I’d just won the Golden Ticket! 😉
Anyhow, my clients D & R approached soon after, and together we entered the gardens. During our time spent exploring the grounds and taking photos, we were pretty much all alone – except at one point we did encounter a group swans, and also the Gendarmerie (military police) getting ready for their day patrolling the grounds.
D proposed to R in Versailles the afternoon before, so it was of course the perfect place for engagement photos. See below for a handful of photos from the beautiful morning. Congratulations, lovebirds! ~Lindsey

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